About Us

The Best Quality of Imported Wholesale knives and Swords.

When it comes to knives and swords, experience matters. For over 40 years, SZCO Supplies Inc has been a steadfast cornerstone in the industry, delivering exceptional quality, reliability, and unmatched expertise to our wholesale partners. When you choose us, you're choosing a legacy of excellence.

1.    Time-Tested Craftsmanship: With 40 years of experience, we've perfected the art of crafting knives, swords and outdoor products. Our products are a testament to the decades of dedication, precision, and expertise that go into each blade.

2.    Diverse Product Portfolio: Our extensive catalog boasts a wide variety of knives, swords, medieval products, and leather goods, catering to a broad range of styles, needs, and markets. From traditional to modern, we have the perfect product for every customer.

3.    Reliability and Consistency: Our commitment to quality is unwavering. Every blade that leaves our facility is a testament to our dedication to consistency, ensuring that you receive products of the highest caliber, every time.

4.    Competitive Pricing: Benefit from our long-standing relationships with suppliers and our efficient manufacturing processes. We offer competitive pricing, enabling you to maximize your profitability while delivering exceptional value to your customers.

5.    Customization Capabilities: Tailor our products to your unique market and customer demands. Our customization options allow you to create exclusive lines, ensuring your offerings stand out in a competitive market.

6.    Industry Expertise: We're not just a supplier; we're your partners in success. Rely on our team's deep industry knowledge and insights to navigate market trends, discover emerging opportunities, and make informed decisions.

7.    Global Reach: Our vast distribution network spans the globe, ensuring your products can reach customers far and wide. Benefit from our established international presence and tap into new markets.

8.    Exceptional Customer Support: Our customer-centric approach extends beyond the products. Count on our dedicated support team to assist you with orders, product inquiries, and any other needs you may have.

9.    Sustainability Commitment: We understand the importance of responsible sourcing and production. Our sustainability practices ensure that your products meet environmental and ethical standards, appealing to eco-conscious consumers.

10. 40-Year Legacy of Trust: Our longevity is a testament to our integrity, reliability, and enduring commitment to excellence. Partner with us, and you partner with a name trusted by generations of blade enthusiasts.

Choose a partner with a proven track record, a commitment to quality, and a heritage of blades that spans four decades. Join us in celebrating the artistry and utility of knives and swords, and let our experience be the cornerstone of your success in the wholesale market for years to come.
